Macro Repository

NLS 5.39 and later

Global SQL statements can be stored in the Macro Repository and accessed using its identifier from other areas of NLS.

Macro Repository

Click Add to create a new macro.

Add dialog

Field Comment
Identifier By default, a unique identifier is generated by NLS but you may specify your own identifier. The identifier cannot be changed once a macro is created.
Category Communication - for use in the email and SMS templates in communication settings.
DocuSign - Reserved.
VBScript Macro - use GetMacroRepository() function to use the macro in a VBScript.5.42+
Web SQL - Reserved.
Description Description of the macro for your reference.

Once a new entry is created, enter the SQL statement in the Macro Value field.

Option Comment
Encrypt Macro Value5.42+
When selected, the macro value will be encrypted on the database using the stored encryption key.
Return Macro Value as Encrypted5.42+
When selected, the macro value will be returned to the calling function in its encrypted state.

Accessing Macros

To access macros in the repository, use {NLS_SQL_MACRO_GUID} to specify the macro where GUID is the identifier of the macro.


Place a loan’s open date and loan number into an email’s body:
    <p>open date: {NLS_SQL_MACRO_8C70E83187}</p>
    <p>loan number: {NLS_SQL_MACRO_E88FBE36F3}</p>